Healthy Circle of Friends - Small Group Personal Training
Healthy Circle of Friends - Small Group Personal TrainingBy: Charles CarterSmall-group training personal trainer sessions under five people may be just what you need to keep you motivated and moving towards your goals at the health club. Training with friends, families, or your significant other along with your "other significant other": your personal trainer puts you in a fun and comfortable atmosphere where you can train hard and cheer each other on even harder.When beginning a fitness program, it is so important that you have the support of friends and family, not only so that they won't tempt you with indulgences or keep you from making your appointments at the gym, but so that they will encourage you to stick with your goals and pump you up when you are feeling sluggish. Well, why not bring this support system into the health club with you? After all, don't you think your loved ones need a little pumping up, too?As a personal trainer myself, I have trained small groups, and I have seen the benefits first-hand. I had a group of five women""all great friends and a mother-daughter duo decide they wanted to train together with me. They had been training together for over a year, but weren't seeing the results they wanted. Following the first session, I could see what the first problem was: they came to the health club with good intentions to train, however ended up choosing to have social hour instead. Now, it wasn't like I didn't allow them to talk, laugh, joke, and have fun; I just kept them focused when they began discussing their weekend plans. After all, I believe a fit and healthy lifestyle should be enjoyable, and I believe you should have fun while you workout. Well, with my help and motivation, it didn't take long to see these women transform together!Small-group training has other benefits as well. Not only does training with a group of friends allow you to motivate each other both in and out of the health club (how would you like to get a phone call from a fellow trainee just as you were slicing into that piece of chocolate cake, but it can be cost-effective, too. While a personal training session may range anywhere from $35 to $75, depending on where you live (sometimes even more), a group rate may only cost $25 a person. Now that is something to get pumped about! Most health clubs offer small-group training packages, but if yours doesn't you may want to ask if they can put one together for you.Go ahead, call up a group of close friends today and rather than inviting them to happy hour, invite them to an hour of fitness, fun and slimming waistlines! You'll be hooked in no time.Copyright (c) 2007 Charles CarterArticle Source:
Read This Before You Buy Natural Supplements Or Herbal Remedies
Read This Before You Buy Natural Supplements Or Herbal RemediesBy: Larry NelsonYou should by all means buy herbal medicines, however you should definitely know what your looking for before setting out to buy. If you are unsure which herbal supplements can possibly replace some of your prescriptions, then you should consult with a qualified herbalist. Remedies that are of an herbal variety have healing, chemical effects within the body. Herbal remedies cause a various amount of positive changes within the body if taken according to the directions on the label.It is important to know exactly what the herbs are you are buying and their effects and dangers. For example, Goldenseal is a great herb for for fighting infections, however it's drawback is that it is back for diabetics because it is a natural source of insulin. People with this condition should be very careful. However some individuals with this condition choose to mix licorice with their Goldenseal to lessen the effects of the insulin producer.Lobelia is a helpful herb to include in your herbal medicine chest. Lobelia can be used as a nervous system tonic. It helps the user relax and can assist natural sleep. It can be taken internally or rubbed on the skin to induce relaxation and calm anxiety. Lobelia cannot be taken in large doses, however, as it can cause vomiting. Consequently, you particularly need to be careful when using it with children or the elderly as vomiting can cause dangerous dehydration.Herbal remedies can also have individual effects on different people. Just as people can have reactions to pharmaceutical medications, they can also react badly to herbal remedies. Some people may enjoy astounding results from using certain herbal medications whereas others receive no obvious benefit at all. However, it is very important to understand that herbal remedies are not intended to provide a quick health fix and sometimes you need to take the supplements or remedies for a number of weeks or even months before you see improvement.Your herbal medicine chest should always have Cayenne Pepper on hand for emergencies. Keep it handy in both pepper and supplement forms because Cayenne can stop bleeding and shock which can be very helpful in emergencies. If you sprinkle the loose powder onto a bleeding wound, it will stop the bleeding. The area will feel a little hot but the cayenne will not burn or blister. It may surprise you to know that cayenne can also stop internal bleeding by drinking it mixed with water. It can also be used to treat shock and allergic reactions to insect bites and stings.One herb that is handy to have around is apple cider vinegar. It can be used to treat burns. One who is treating burns using apple cider vinegar can either apply it directly to the burns or soak cloths in it and then place the cloths on the burns. Another remedy used for burns, although mainly for sun burns, is plain black tea.A great herb to have around for pain relief is, White Willow. This particular doesn't just relieve pain, it also reduces fevers and alleviates inflammation brought on by arthritis. White Willow is actually the origin of aspirin and many other drugs still used today. When you buy herbal supplements, in particular White Willow, it is important to obtain it in a one hundred percent pure form, ideally you should try to ingest it in a gel capsule form.Before you buy herbal supplements, make sure you read the list of what the herbal supplement can potentially treat. Many people make the mistake of buying the wrong herbal supplement, and then when it does not treat their illness, they then blame herbal supplements as a whole. In fact most people who buy herbal supplements, that is the correct herbal supplements for their particular ailments, are indeed quite happy with their decision to use herbal remedies over traditional medicine.Article
To Posh to Push
To Posh to PushBy: Alice PetersThere has always been a feeling in the media that pregnant celebrities often opt for elective caesarean sections rather than a natural delivery to avoid the pain of childbirth. The likes of Victoria Beckham and more recently Jordan have been dubbed "Too posh to push", choosing to book themselves into a private clinic for a section and a tummy tuck whilst they are there. This has in turn been blamed for the rising numbers of c-sections being carried out in the UK. In the 90’s, approx 20% of births or 1 in 5 were carried out by caesarean section, where as statistics recently have shown that this has increased to 25%; 1 in 4.Immediately, the media pounces on this and says how women today are being brain washed by society into believing that childbirth must be so horrific, compared to a "simple caesarean" which in turn can be performed at your convenience and not interrupt your schedule too much. After a few weeks, you will be back to your pre-pregnancy size as the surgeon will simply take away that excess baby weight leaving you free to tone up using your personal trainer of course.But, in reality, is a caesarean section really the easy option and are we being brainwashed by these glamorous stars? Personally, I think not.Victoria Beckham was slated by the press for having a c-section with Brooklyn. However, it was her doctor who decided that Brooklyn and Romeo had to be born by caesarean. For Brooklyn, she had seen her doctor for a check up and he had informed her that the baby needed to be delivered that night, leaving a frantic father to race down the motorway to be with his wife! Jordan, she had Harvey naturally and had expected to have Junior the same way. However, a scan showed that the baby could not be delivered safely naturally due to an unusual membrane blocking the cervix and so she was advised to have a caesarean. I am sure that there are women out there who chose to have an elective caesarean as they do not want to go through childbirth, and that is their prerogative, but why does society make us feel that we have in someway failed?In my own experience, I was going to have a natural delivery, using aromatherapy and as little pain relief as I could manage. I had followed a homeopathic route during pregnancy and in my own little hippy world, I was going to be the true earth mother to the end. Ella however had different ideas and decided that it would better to disengage her head, which had been fully engaged, and try and escape through my left hip rather than the natural exit. As I had been induced, and I was in my 2nd labour (they had stopped me the night before as I had not been dilating), when the consultant realised what was happening, there was no option but to have an emergency section. My baby was stuck, and in a different place in time or even today in another part of the world, one or both of us might not have made it.The fact is that medicine today has come on leaps and bounds and doctors are able to spot problems today that would have been undetectable years ago. For first time mothers, approx 40% of births are by caesarean section. That’s 1 in 3! My consultant told me that 20 years ago, I would have been left in labour and only when I had haemorrhaged or the baby’s heart beat was undetectable would they have found that there was a problem by which time, at least one of us would have been in serious trouble. I found out recently that my Mum had been born by caesarean. Bearing in mind she has just celebrated her 60th birthday, that was a rare event in her day. My Grandmother had gone into labour naturally, but had haemorrhaged and passed out, so the doctor operated. My Grandma nearly died during the procedure, as did my Mum but thankfully, a quick thinking doctor saved them both.A poll I did recently at a large online pregnancy community site called Madmums, showed that of those that had caesareans, not one of them had an elective section that was not on the advice of a doctor. The caesarean rate on Madmums is consistent with the national average, but it just goes to show that women do not seem to be begging their doctors for sections for the sake of avoiding the throws of labour. I find it interesting too that some women who have had sections then go on to have natural deliveries, or at least would like to go on and have a natural delivery.Personally, after Ella was born I did feel that I had failed in someway for having a section. My body is supposed to be designed to have children, so why couldn’t I have had her the natural way? At my antenatal class reunion when Ella was 2 weeks old, out of the 12 mothers in the room, I was the only one who had had a section, and I felt that I had to justify myself. I have since found out that another 8 babies from our class were born by caesarean, but the mothers were either still in hospital or just home and so not able to come to the re-union.It saddens me that instead of celebrating medical achievement and the fact that more babies are being delivered safely into the world, the media jump on the statistics and paint a distorted picture of reality. The medical profession are able to spot many more problems with an unborn child than they ever could in the past and if a caesarean section is the safest way to give that child the best start in life or to protect the mother, then why not?Article Source:
How To Find Low Cost Dental Plans For Seniors
How To Find Low Cost Dental Plans For SeniorsBy: Joe StewartAlthough most people are not aware of it, affordable dental plans for seniors are still available. It's difficult for many seniors to afford traditional dental insurance because of the high costs associated with it. However, dental discount plans fit into most anyone's budget, even senior citizens, many of whom are on a fixed income. This is how dental discount plans work.Dental discount plans are not insurance. They simply provide substantial discounts for dental procedures to their members. Because these discount plans are not insurance there is no waiting period necessary before you can be seen, pre-existing conditions are included, there are no age limits and there aren't any exclusions, unless you have already had dental work started with another dentist. In this case, you would have to have that work completed before you could see anyone and begin using the new plan.This is what you need to do. First, you need to find a dental discount plan that offers services in your area. Second, you need to pay the membership fee, after which you'll receive your membership card and information about the participating dentists in your area. You'll normally have information that will enable you to see a dentist within one to three business days.All you need to do is find a dentist close to you and make an appointment. When you go to see the dentist provide your membership card and have a basic exam done. This way you and your Dentist both will know exactly what needs to be taken care of. You are not required to have everything done at once. Tell the dentist what you'd like to get taken care of at that time and pay for it when you're finished. When you can afford to have something else done simply make an appointment and get it taken care of.These are the most affordable dental plans for seniors that are available, unless they have some type of coverage through Medicare. If you are a senior citizen and do not have any type of dental coverage, but need to have dental work done, I highly recommend that you look into discount dental plans as an option.Pre-existing conditions are fine, there are no waiting periods, no exclusions, no age limits etc., the only stipulation of having a dental discount plan is that you must pay for your services at the time of your appointment. Dental discount plans are absolutely the way to go in 2007. I recommend that you if you've been considering buying a dental plan, that you take a good look at discount dental Is
there any way to stop hair loss?
Is there any way to stop hair loss?By: Georgi IvanikovinA lot of things can cause excessive hair loss. For e.g. stress, illness, surgery, hormonal imbalance, hair or scalp infection, some medicines (like anticoagulants used for gout, chemotherapy, cancer), excess vitamins, birth control pills, antidepressants etc.Also, the pull on your hair can cause a type of hair loss called traction alopecia. If the pulling is stopped before scarring of the scalp develops, your hair will grow back normally. However, scarring can cause permanent hair loss. Hot oil hair treatments or chemicals used in permanents may cause inflammation of the hair follicle, which can result in scarring and hair loss. Finally, hair loss may occur as part of an underlying disease, such as lupus or diabetes. Since hair loss may be an early sign of a disease, it is important to find the cause so that it can be treated.Nowadays, there are only 3 possible solutions to stop hair loss and stimulate hair re-growth.1.Hair transplantant2. Prescription drugs3. Natural and safe treatmentHair transplantantA very expensive surgical operation, indicated to treat complete or partial baldness. It is very important consult to a doctor and pass different examinations to find out the possible risks and side effects. The successful result can't be guaranteed.Prescription drugsThe most effective prescription drug used for treatment of hair loss in men is chemical finasteride. It can be taken only by men and never by women, especially pregnant! The known side effects include: impotence, decreased sex drive, premature ejaculation and decreasing the volume of semen. Nevertheless, this treatment can be really effective, but it has a very serious disadvantage. Propecia is effective only for as long as it is taken; the hair gained or maintained is lost within 6-12 months of ceasing therapy! Propecia is effective only for as long as it is taken; the hair gained or maintained is lost within 6-12 months of ceasing therapy!Natural TreatmentNatural treatments is the best way to stop hair lost and promote faster hair re-grown. Natiral treatments haven`t side effects. PROFINAST , natural finasteride, is the newest solution to stop hair loss in men. A proper combination of herbs, micro-elements and vitamins makes it absolutely safe for both men and women. It acts by blocking formation of DHT which causes hair shrinkage and, in the long run, leads to a permanent hair loss. Our herbal pills stop heavy hair loss in just 7 days and in just 90 days one can get his lost hair back again. However, to maintain the complete reversal of hair loss and the normal hair cycle it takes less than a year. Unlike Propecia, it is absolutely safe and reliable for both men and women. The hair maintained won't be lost after ceasing the therapy.Article Source:
Is there any way to stop hair loss?By: Georgi IvanikovinA lot of things can cause excessive hair loss. For e.g. stress, illness, surgery, hormonal imbalance, hair or scalp infection, some medicines (like anticoagulants used for gout, chemotherapy, cancer), excess vitamins, birth control pills, antidepressants etc.Also, the pull on your hair can cause a type of hair loss called traction alopecia. If the pulling is stopped before scarring of the scalp develops, your hair will grow back normally. However, scarring can cause permanent hair loss. Hot oil hair treatments or chemicals used in permanents may cause inflammation of the hair follicle, which can result in scarring and hair loss. Finally, hair loss may occur as part of an underlying disease, such as lupus or diabetes. Since hair loss may be an early sign of a disease, it is important to find the cause so that it can be treated.Nowadays, there are only 3 possible solutions to stop hair loss and stimulate hair re-growth.1.Hair transplantant2. Prescription drugs3. Natural and safe treatmentHair transplantantA very expensive surgical operation, indicated to treat complete or partial baldness. It is very important consult to a doctor and pass different examinations to find out the possible risks and side effects. The successful result can't be guaranteed.Prescription drugsThe most effective prescription drug used for treatment of hair loss in men is chemical finasteride. It can be taken only by men and never by women, especially pregnant! The known side effects include: impotence, decreased sex drive, premature ejaculation and decreasing the volume of semen. Nevertheless, this treatment can be really effective, but it has a very serious disadvantage. Propecia is effective only for as long as it is taken; the hair gained or maintained is lost within 6-12 months of ceasing therapy! Propecia is effective only for as long as it is taken; the hair gained or maintained is lost within 6-12 months of ceasing therapy!Natural TreatmentNatural treatments is the best way to stop hair lost and promote faster hair re-grown. Natiral treatments haven`t side effects. PROFINAST , natural finasteride, is the newest solution to stop hair loss in men. A proper combination of herbs, micro-elements and vitamins makes it absolutely safe for both men and women. It acts by blocking formation of DHT which causes hair shrinkage and, in the long run, leads to a permanent hair loss. Our herbal pills stop heavy hair loss in just 7 days and in just 90 days one can get his lost hair back again. However, to maintain the complete reversal of hair loss and the normal hair cycle it takes less than a year. Unlike Propecia, it is absolutely safe and reliable for both men and women. The hair maintained won't be lost after ceasing the therapy.Article Source: